【招聘】高级投研经理 —— ArkStream Capital
ArkStream Capital
2024-01-04 17:07

ArkStream Capital 是一家成立于 2020 年的 alpha 策略风险投资基金,包含一级和二级策略。作为一家加密原生的企业,我们通过研究创新的非共识,和一线市场经验,投资全球的创新区块链公司。ArkStream 成员来自 MIT,斯坦福,南洋理工,贝莱德、谷歌和腾讯。我们诚意招聘一位才华横溢、充满热情的高级投资经理,加入 ArkStream Capital 。

ArkStream Capital is a crypto-native fund focused on alpha strategy, encompassing both primary market investments and liquid strategies. As a cryptocurrency enterprise founded by crypto natives, we invest in innovative blockchain companies globally through research in innovative non-consensus areas and first-hand market experience. The ArkStream team hails from institutions and companies such as MIT, Stanford, Nanyang Technological University, BlackRock, Google, and Tencent. We are earnestly seeking a talented and passionate Senior Investment Manager to join ArkStream Capital.


Position: Senior Research and Investment Manager


The Senior Research and Investment Manager will be responsible for conducting independent research on both the primary and secondary markets, including due diligence and industry research. As the job involves a substantial amount of analysis and output in English, the analyst must be proficient in using English as a working language.

职责 Responsibilities


Conduct in-depth research on the cryptocurrency market, including track research and individual project research, covering both primary and secondary markets. Organize project information and data, and provide effective investment analysis.

2.撰写行业研究报告,包括区块链架构、隐私计算、DEPIN 以及相关领域;

Write industry research reports, including topics on blockchain architecture, privacy computing, DEPIN, and related fields.


Acquire English content and research materials through social media, VC networks, etc., communicate with project teams, and follow up on project progress.

4. 全程参与项目投资与决策。

Participate fully in project investment and decision-making.

资历 Qualifications


Bachelor's degree or above, with a preference for majors in mathematics and computer science.


Strong self-motivation and learning ability, with experience in independently researching a track and drawing conclusions.

3.中英文写作能力优秀,能沉浸式研究英文资料与社区,内容有海外工作 / 学习经验者优先。

Excellent writing skills in both Chinese and English, with a preference for candidates who can immerse themselves in English materials and communities, especially those with overseas work/study experience.

4.对 web3 和加密货币有热情,1-3 年投研经验或以上

Passion for web3 and cryptocurrencies, with 1-3 years of research and investment experience or more.

我们可以提供 We offer

1. 最富有创新和热情的工作氛围

Most innovative and passionate working atmosphere.

2. 富有竞争力的薪资与奖金

Competitive salary and bonuses.

3. 项目的跟投额度

Co-investment opportunities in projects.

4. 工作一定期限后,根据表现获得 ArkStream 的期权,享受基金分红

The opportunity to obtain ArkStream options and enjoy fund dividends.

5. 世界级的舞台

World-class stage


联系方式 Contact Information
请发送简历到 research@arkstream.capital,期待您的加入!
Please send your resume to research@arkstream.capital. We look forward to your joining!


ArkStream Capital


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